Dashi Dorawa

Published  at  06:47 AM


  1. 500px/400ps/250px posts.
  • You have to choose only one post size
  • for 250px post you can have a two column posts buy enabling both 250px and 250pxTwoColumns Option
  1. 10 Additional Links
  2. One Sidebar Image (250x250px)
  3. Grayscale Images Option (+you can adjust the grayscale in β€˜grayscale’ text box’
  4. Infinite Scrolling Option.
  5. Hide/Show Tags Option
  6. Hide/Show Captions Option
  7. Back to Top Button
  8. Colors and Images are customizable.
  9. Music Player, use this music player, copy the code to β€˜Music’ text box.

Terms of Use

  • Do not remove the credit completely or make them invisible, you may replace it to a visible place.
  • Do not steal the code or take parts of the codes and put them in your own theme, do not use them as base code too.
  • Do not redistribute my codes unless you have my permission, please just redirect people to this page OR reblog my posts about the codes.
  • Altering the code is allowed but keep the credit intact.
  • You may remove the credit only for base codes.